spiritual ears

All posts in the spiritual ears category

Deep Contemplation

Published August 1, 2018 by birdieklh
adult attractive contemplating face

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

I need to preface this article today, with the following statement “I harbor no hatred, no condemnation, no ill feelings whatsoever toward those who are living in the type of lifestyle that I’m going to be talking about today you must know this as you read these words. I have nothing but the deepest love and respect for all people. If you know me, truly know me, you will know this as a fact.”

Things today, were read to me (by my husband) from an article that he had shared on a platform that he is involved with online where the topic is a heavy-duty one.

The article was written by a woman. A minister high up in the Lutheran church. She had stated that they are truly considering changing their policies to open up their pulpits to ordination for those who consider themselves to be gay, transgender, etc. As long as they are not practicing the lifestyle. Have to admit to you, I ended up in tears. You see I have friends, people I grew up with, even family members who have gotten mixed up in the lies of the enemy of their souls and believed that they can’t help who they are or the way they are. For over 30 years I had a secretary who is transgender I cared very much for her. I had a gentleman who works for us for close to 15 years I knew what his lifestyle was I didn’t think anything less of him I talked to him of the Lord he knew where I stood I never degraded him I loved him like a brother I continued to care for him and continued to talk to him never once did he feel ridiculed or belittled he respected me I respected him I knew he had my back, he knew I had his. Yet it broke my heart that he made the choices he made.

Dear ones everyone of us, every single one of us do you hear me?! NOT ONE OF US is without sin. We have no right to judge another person. We are to love each other with the love of Christ. We are to care for one another to share His love with them in the truth of His Word with them. Then if they decide to choose His Word and allow the Holy Spirit to help change the lives or choose to reject it that’s between them and God it’s our job just to love them.  BUT when it comes to allowing them to get behind the pulpit and preach God’s Word, how can we even begin to think that that’s right when they are clearly going against what His Word says?!

God loves them YES!!!! But He does not condone the choices they are making, the lifestyle they are living!

When I think of those that I love so dearly, I cry (sob, actually) I can’t help it… My heart literally breaks I feel like it’s ripping there is a physical pain inside of me because I know that their choices are hurting my Abba father heart and what hurts him hurts me. I want to wrap my arms around them and hold them tight and tell each one of them how precious they are how much their loved. How valuable they are… That they are worth so much more than the choices they were making.

We all make choices every single day. We make choices to pick up a bottle of alcohol or cases alcohol and drink ourselves into oblivion. We make choices to buy drugs and smoke or shoot into our veins so we don’t feel the pain that tearing us apart in life. We make choices to rip the baby out of the womb because it’s inconvenient. We choose to have sex outside of marriage because we are not satisfied with what we have. They’re all choices… And every single one of them starts with a thought that’s put inside of us a whisper from the enemy of our soul, Satan… He doesn’t want us to know God’s love he wants us to fail he wants us to be unhappy he wants us to think there’s something different out there that something else will satisfy us and so we start believing the lie which chase after things that don’t matter.

In this day and age is become so successful at it in the LGBT community that it is everywhere starting even in preschool it is absolutely breaking my heart! I literally sob  right now as I write these words especially because it is so near and dear to my heart because some of those most precious to me so deeply affected. And then to top it all off, to hear this morning that the Lutheran Church is even thinking of changing their policy it is almost too much to bear. Shortly after I became ordained the Lord actually called me to minister in the Lutheran Church for two and half years and it was an amazing experience the liturgy was so rich and beautiful I was so blessed during that time.

Beloved sons and daughters of the most high God we need to be on our faces before God! We need to fast and pray like we have not done in a long time. Satan knows his time is short and he’s pulling out all the stops and it is affecting those around us. So armor up beloved be ready for battle and let’s go forth the time is now be ready for battle let’s forward NOW go in the mighty name of Yeshua our Lord and Savior!

Scripture references:

Romans 1:18-32                         Genesis 19

BUT THERE IS HOPE . . . His Name is JESUS CHRIST He came, He Lived, He died and He arose on the third day  . . . ascended into Heaven and is interceding on YOUR behalf . . . He sent His Holy Spirit Who is awaiting your request to enter in to your life to help change everything – fill you to overflowing with the OVERWHELMING PRECIOUS LOVE OF GOD!!!!

© klh 4-Given Ministries


Peek-a-Boo Sky

Published July 16, 2018 by birdieklh

Oh how I LOVE to see the sky peeking through the clouds like this!!! It absolutely takes my breath away!

I find myself straining to see my Lord riding on his white horse coming through those clouds… Can’t you just see Him coming?

I believe with all my heart it’s going to be a sky like this when that trumpet sounds in our Lord burst through those clouds followed by myriads of angels rushing towards the earth (Revelation 19) … Can’t you see it, oh beloved can’t you see it! Can you feel the excitement building in your heart now as you imagine it? Oh my heart just yearns for it so deeply!

I find myself with songs in the night building up with crescendos. I open my eyes expecting to see the heavens splitting open in it to happen any moment and yet the time is not quite yet.

Yes beloved, there is more work to be done and our precious Lord in His wonderful sense of humor gives us the tease of a peekaboo sky. I can hear His gentle laughter in my heart as I glance up I can almost see the twinkle in His eye, I can almost hear His voice, “daughter this is for you” and “I love you!”

What a glorious Lord we have. The depths, the heights, the expanse of His love for us we cannot even begin to fathom. The more we see Him, the more we get to know His personality, the riches of His grace, the greater our expectancy of His return.

© klh 4-Given Ministries

Gasping For Breath!

Published September 18, 2017 by birdieklh


Ever feel so crushed that you can hardly breathe? That is where I am at the present moment! Coming off an incredible, power-packed 3 weeks filled with ministry and pressing ahead to another 2 weeks of Seeking God with the 10 Days San Antonio . . . starting on the 20th . . .  I find myself at the moment sitting here, slightly overwhelmed, feeling the loss of a new but dear friend who flew off back to his home in Kent (the UK) this morning and the last minute crunch time of preparations for the 10 Days – oh – not mention the amazing Beauty for Ashes Conference held Saturday where many women were set FREE from years of bondage’s!!! Karin at Beauty for Ashes Conference 9-16-17God is so GOOD!!!! Hallelujah! It is strange that all of a sudden I find myself feeling (ah, there it is! ‘feeling’) like I am gasping for a breath! So much has happened in such a short amount of time – it seems as though a few years worth of ministry work jam-packed into a few short weeks . . . that is what it is . . . the pressure . . . condensing a LOT into such a small amount of time . . . BUT GOD!!! What am amazing God we serve!!!

He is our Breath! He is our Strength! He is our Hope! He is our Joy! He is our Peace! He is ALL we need, for EVERY situation!!! I give Him ALL the praise, honor and glory!!!

Lord, God, thank You for giving me the opportunity to speak into the lives of those whom You strategically placed in my path these past few weeks . . . even the one you brought across the ocean, Abba Father, You amaze me!!! received_480907932308868Yes, it has been draining, but it has been powerful, it has been good and I would not trade it for anything in the world!!! How I love You, Lord!!! How I praise You!!!! You are my EVERYTHING!!!!! Now, Lord, I ask that You SEAL the work that You have done in the lives of these precious ones . . . every one of them, Lord . . . continue the work . . . let the roots go down deep, and the the branches grow strong, and the fruit be rich and beautiful, my God, all for Your Glory!!! in Jesus Mighty Name, amen!



© klh 4-Given Ministries

Perfectly Fitted Together

Published August 19, 2017 by birdieklh

God has a plan and a purpose behind every word He allowed to be penned . . . an illustration for us to gasp a hold of . . . to meditate upon . . . to allow to sink deep down inside of our spirit and to change the way we think, act and treat one another in our Christian lives!

Dovetail Stone Work

image from slide share

Let us take a deeper look into the this passage mentioned in the photo, and specific emphasis on phrases within. This is a message to us ALL. We are the brethren! There is to be NO division between us – NONE.

See that “DOVETAIL” work there? Have you ever realized the STRENGTH behind that kind of fitted together?! It is the Greek word, Strong’s # 2675 katartizó translated “perfectly joined together” which, in depth, means  – like shown in this illustration – a detailed, “properly adjusted, exactly fit to work together, adjusted exactly ‘down’ to fully function!” (just a partial snip-it from the full definition).

Dear ones, we are to be one in Christ Jesus! We are to be LIKE MINDED!  God is calling us forth to become new wine skins He can use to hold and pour forth the New Wine He is getting ready to pour out upon this world for His Divine purposes . . . but He can only do it with those that are ready to walk TOGETHER in ONENESS of heart and mind. Those who are willing to put down their prejudices, pride, wants, desires, their “me, me, me” attitudes, and allow God to fit us together as He desires and function together as He sees fit!

There is a song, often used at weddings, but most appropriate for this message as well. I would like to share some of the words here:

Make us one, make us one
Make us one, undivided body
Make us one, make us one
For the sake of Your name make us one

Make us love, make us love
Make us love so the world will know we love You
Make us love, make us love
For the sake of Your name make us love

Read more: Twila Paris – Make Us One Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Click to view the YouTube Video 

Abba Father, open our ears to HEAR, open our spirit eyes to SEE, open our HEARTS to fully grasp and understand what You are getting ready to do . . . what You are asking us to lay down at this time in our lives and HOW to fully embrace one another in Your love and go forth as ONE with You and become the Bride You have asked us to be – ready to BE what You desire us to be for Your Kingdom, in Jesus Name, amen!!!

© klh 4-Given Ministries

Perfect Contentment

Published August 16, 2017 by birdieklh

When I saw this photo, memories came flooding back into my innermost being of sheer, contentment . . . times spent up in the mountains (I grew up in California) and absolutely LOVED the those mountain hikes.

growing up memories

from pinterest.com

Cool, fresh mountain air permeating my being, refreshing my lungs, seemingly pumping my heart with newness of life. Of course it wasn’t, but it felt like it. The crispness of the water, oh, how I loved every single moment of it. The twill of the birds singing, the whisper of the leaves as they rustled in the light movement of the breeze. I could spend hours sitting on the rocks in contemplation of the beauty of it all….sheer….wonderful….


There are many times in the busy “ness” (or “mess”) of our lives that we wish we could stop everything and escape into a place where we could sit somewhere quiet and gaze into a crystal clear lake or pond like this, look at the reflection of the surroundings and contemplate what we see . . . instead of what actually IS around us at present . . . things that must be done, chaos, bills, noise, relationships, obligations, medical issues, etc. it seems impossible to even consider being able to reach such a place of contentment . . . BUT . . . notice this whole time I’ve been talking about contentment in the ‘natural’. It is a nice thing, truly a very nice thing, and I treasure the memories! Don’t get me wrong. In fact, if offered a vacation to go back to one of those places, you bet I’d jump on it! However, I have a secret I wish to share with you that is far greater than this natural contentment of a mountain scene like described here in my memories! It is one that is OBTAINABLE for us today, right here, whenever you desire!!! …and it is a PERFECT CONTENTMENT!!!!!

“Okay, already!” I can hear you from this side of the page, “Tell me where it is!!!”

It is found only ONE place . . . in your close intimate times of worship with the Lord!!! Yes! When you shut yourself away and focus all your attention on Him – you totally immerse yourself in His presence – worship Him in spirit in truth – from the depth of your being. Surround yourself with the essence of His glory!

You don’t know how? You have never done that before? It is not that hard, once you have done it, you find it easier and easier to do – it can become the most enjoyable part of your day!!! In fact, it has become such a part of my life that my office space in my home has become a sanctuary of His presence – people often comment that they can “feel” the difference when they step through the door! Even when I am working on things, I sometimes have difficulty focusing on what I’m working on because I find myself a wee bit lost in His presence and having to shake myself back into the earthly realm to get earthly work accomplished (much to my chagrin). You see, dear ones, there is NOTHING like the glorious presence of God Almighty! There is pure love, pure grace pure anointing, pure power, pure & PERFECT CONTENTMENT! It is there we receive everything we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3),  peace (Psalm 119:165), guidance & direction (Psalm 119:105), protection (Psalm 91), hope (Jeremiah 29:11) and so much more!

I try to have worship music always going in the background . . . when not working I use something I can sing along with – when I’m working I use instrumental so the atmosphere is permeated with praise offered up before the Throne of God . . . it keeps my spirit in the mode of worship at all times . . .  my preference is ‘Soaking Worship Music’ like we use at our local Tabernacle House of Prayer based upon David’s Tabernacle – 24/7 worship offered up to the Lord – keeping the fire on the altar day and night – honoring God at all times for Who He IS. I have found that the more consistent I am in my own personal worship (and with our corporate worship times) the deeper I go into His presence, the richer my relationship becomes with my Lord and the easier it is for me to HEAR Holy Spirit when He speaks to my heart! the richer my contentment in Him becomes!!!!

I invite you to enter in . . . to find your place in His Perfect Contentment that He has for you!!!!!

© klh 4-Given Ministries

“One Who Knows The Heart”

Published July 10, 2017 by birdieklh

The Greek Word is (Strong’s # 2589) pronounced “kardiognostes” (notice how similar this word is to our ‘heart doctors’ today? Cardiologist? hmmm) . . . and it is the word used in Acts 15:8 Peter was speaking to the Jerusalem Council in regards to their belief that the gentile believers should be circumcised.

He went on to share how greatly God had moved among these gentile believers, how the Almighty God had made absolutely NO distinction, NO difference whatsoever between them simply because of their NOT being of Jewish heritage . . . ONLY based upon their FAITH and acceptance of Jesus Christ!


Do you realize that WE still tend to be like that council in Jerusalem today? Yes, us! We walk in judgment of those we see that perhaps do not ‘look’ like us. Or that do not go to churches like we do, worship like we do.

Let me tell you of some amazing, eye-opening things that the Lord has been doing here in San Antonio (and around the world) that have caused me to truly become one who has been crying out to the Lord to give me eyes to see others hearts as He does . . . I truly want to be “one who sees and knows the hearts of others!”

I have seen people young, old and everywhere in between dancing, singing, weeping, pouring out their hearts before the Lord, praying for others, ministering to others – regardless of the color of their skin, the way they were dressed, or the condition of their health . . . they just LOVED on them!!! Whether their style of worship was rap, rock, gospel, a banjo, drums, an iPad playing, a keyboard, tambourine, old-style hymns, new free-flowing spirit songs from their hearts to the Lord – it mattered not – it was all done to the Glory of their Lord and Savior – TRUE WORSHIP!

Souls brought into the Kingdom of God . . .

Holy Spirit showed up MIGHTILY . . .

People set FREE from addictions, bondage’s, fears that had held them for years . . .

People from all backgrounds standing side by side, worshiping the Lord in UNITY!

Dear ones . . . it is happening NOW! And it will continue to grow as we continue to individually seek the face of God, as we continually get in the Word ourselves, seeking His Heart of LOVE and then begin with His eyes to SEE into the hearts of others and truly love others as He intended us to do!

Yesterday I heard a young man (18) rap of his struggle and his total dependence upon God for ALL things . . . it filled my spirit to overflowing . . . my eyes are filling even now at the remembrance of it – we (plural) ARE the Bride of Christ and ONLY when we are in full UNITY can we along with the Holy Spirit say “Come Lord Jesus, Come” . . . . Revelation 22:17


image from believersactblog

While I Was Away from Blogging

Published June 9, 2017 by birdieklh

Illness, Despair, Hitting rock bottom – but NEVER giving up the hope I have in Jesus Christ!

Believing in His promises – KNOWING He will never leave me nor forsake me!


from 1safeharborisjesus.wordpress.com

KNOWING that my body IS healed and that it WILL come in line – whether in this lifetime or in my heavenly body – I knew not – but I continue to believe in His promise to me!

Visions – Revelations – whispers into my innermost being . . . still in the process of discovering the very depth of His incredible LOVE for me – my BELOVED – my JOY – and what all of what He has shown me, and continues to reveal to me means . . . and when and how to begin to share with you . . . it will come . . . it is powerful . . . I miss writing, but have been unable up to this point. It was horrible, I could hardly form sentences, think, could not type, could not read . . . could not even sing or play my musical instrument in worship . . . all was internal from my spirit to God’s heart . . . and from His Spirit to mine . . . deep and intense and rich in LOVE.

The song that got me through . . .

Twisted Words Lead to False Belief

Published March 10, 2017 by birdieklh

My heart is so heavy, Lord,
as people twist Your Words
Words meant to bring Healing & Hope
now being used as as vicious swords
against the Body You are building

We are called to walk in unity
as we follow after You
Yet the twisting of Your Words
even if only but a few
are rendering a gaping wound


The love we have for these precious ones
that have been led away
from the fullness of Your Truth
as the enemy has made them sway
We, with tears, cry out to You
and on our knees, we pray
for You to continue to woo them back
and in Your family stay

Oh, Abba, even back with Eve
the enemy twisted Your Words to deceive
Again, in the wilderness, he twisted Your Word
in tempting Jesus, our Lord
But Jesus, firm in You, stood the ground
and to You remained true

Father, some are not that strong in You,
Have not recognized YOUR voice
and when the enemy came in
they made the wrong choice
to follow after the twisted words
taken out of context
and try to take others along with them
is their sole intent

Keep Your children protected, Lord
from being lead astray
by the lies, deceit, and twisted words
that others have begun to say!

Lord, Your Word tells us that YOUR sheep KNOW Your voice! Just like, in life, as we spend time with others, we can recognize  their voice even in a crowded room, in passing and on the phone – we can only truly recognize Your voice as we stay in committed relationship with You! Spending time WITH You in worship, in prayer, in studying the Bible (within the context, not pulling things out here and there), and in quiet reflection, listening to Holy Spirit speaking into our hearts.

Those that are not quite there yet, in that relationship, Abba, I pray protection over their hearts and minds. Those that are, Abba, I pray love and mercy over the hurt and anger that wishes to arise (from our flesh) against those that have been misled. Oh, Lord, only You can correct these situations. Only You can reveal Truth. Only You can heal the wounds. We place our trust in You, alone, Abba, and we pour out our hearts in worship before You our King! Amen

Are We Blocking the Promise?

Published March 2, 2017 by birdieklh

image from Voices of Youth

I have been reading in Numbers these past few days; when I got to the part about Moses disobedience to what God told him to do (because his anger, his ‘flesh’, rose up) and the consequences that followed, it really got me to thinking about my own life.

Let’s take a look at it today and break it down: Numbers, chapter 20 

We all know that Moses met with God on a regular basis and the spoke friend to Friend. Moses was chosen by God to be a leader of His people and bring them out of captivity into the promised land. God trusted Moses to lead them according to what He instructed him to do. Moses had always been obedient . . . up until this chapter. Take a look (you may click the link above, or use your own Bible).

In verse 8 God tells Moses to SPEAK to the rock – commanding water to come out for the people. He was obedient to gather the people together, pick up his rod, but when it came to the rock, instead of speaking to it, he allowed his anger, his flesh to arise, and disobediently struck the rock twice!  download

Water did come forth. So, “what’s the big deal?” you may ask. The big deal was that is was NOT what God had instructed him to do.

As we go on further in our reading of this chapter we find out that there were dire consequences to that (little?) act of disobedience. Not only for Moses, himself, but for his brother, Aaron as well!

moses viewing the promised land.jpgYes, God was gracious to Moses and did allow him to ‘see’ the promised land from the mountain top prior to his death, but he was NOT allowed to enter in, or even continue leading him to lead the people in. And, Aaron also was stripped of his priestly garments, taken up to the mountain and died.


It’s hard enough to face consequences of our decisions that affect us, but to realize that our choices also affect those around us – mercy! That is a VERY heavy responsibility!

“But what he did, striking the rock instead of speaking to it, wasn’t all that bad! The end result was that water was brought forth for the people.” … this is what most of us reason … but God asked for a specific thing to be done, and it was NOT followed correctly. Moses allowed his anger to get in the way.

I wonder how often we allow we allow our ‘self’ (anger, rebellion, disobedience, doubt, etc.) to get in the way . . . and, I wonder how many people are going to have to (or already have) suffer (ed) due to my actions (or lack of action)?!

Abba Father, soften my heart, open my ears to HEAR clearly Your instructions and be quick to obediently do what you ask. I pray that you will keep my heart pure before You, always, and that I will be able to not allow my flesh to arise and cause dire circumstances for those around me – in Jesus Name, amen.

© klh 4-Given Ministries


Are Your Volumes Up?

Published February 27, 2017 by birdieklh

As one of the people at our church who helps with the sound system for various meetings, today I encountered a situation that gave me a spiritual message . . .

There was NO sound! Everything was on. Everything was properly connected. Levels showed up on the sound board, but NO sound was coming out on the monitors or the mains. What a puzzlement!

Finally, after exhausting all avenues that I was aware of, I reached out to our Worship Leader (even though he was at his place of employment) for suggestions.

He had me go back to the amps and check them one more time. Yes, every one was on. Hmmm…. “check the volume levels”, he said. “Oh my goodness!”, I said, “someone had turned them all down to zero!”

As simple as that, the problem was corrected! Amazing. How silly of me not to think of that myself. However, we had all been instructed to leave the volume levels where they were set on the amps and ONLY turn them on or off. Apparently, someone did not remember that tidbit of information when shutting down the system after church yesterday.

That really got me to thinking! We may truly love the Lord. Have completely accepted His finished work on Calvary. We may attend church, read our Bibles and offer up prayers . . . BUT . . . if our volumes are turned down or off, perhaps we don’t HEAR what He is trying to speak into our spirits!

OUCH!!! If we are honest with ourselves, we can recall a time (or more) that we simply missed hearing what God was trying to say to us. It could be an instruction. It could be an encouragement. It could be a reminder of His provision in the past. It could be a prompting as to which direction to take for the next part of our journey that He is leading us on. BUT, if we have allowed the busyness of our day to interrupt the actual delivery of His message; if we have tuned Him out, then we have had our volumes turned to zero!

Something to think about! Make time to check your volume levels today . . . be sure that you ARE taking the time to listen – turn the volume up on your spiritual ears to hear what He is speaking, clearly.

“He who has ears to hear . . . let him listen!” (numerous scripture references)

In these times, especially, we need to be fully alert and attuned to His voice. (See the letters to the churches in Revelation.

© klh 4-Given Ministries

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