
All posts tagged kindness

WHEN Will It End???

Published April 23, 2018 by birdieklh

We need to Rest/Abide/Walk . . . that was one of the very first things we studied back in school for the Biblical Counseling courses I took. The title of the book we studied was the same, written by Watchmen Nee – POWERFUL!!! I highly recommend it, by the way.

Just returned from a very important trip that the Lord had me take regarding some urgent family matters in another state. WOW. Difficult does not even begin to describe what my flesh/inner man had to deal with in the spiritual battle . . . I am going to share two pictures to kind of describe how it ‘felt’ . . . one was taken from a fellow christian blogger (I recommend you click on the link below the photo and read their blog associated with the photo) and the second one I am sure you will recognize from an old movie. Combine the two together and that will give you a good visual of the word picture I cannot adequately describe because I REFUSE to use the kind of words that I was bombarded with (AND continue to be bombarded with on the phone since returning home . . . S I G H ).

So, here I sit, typing up these words as tears still fall gently from my eyes (they were not so gentle a while ago) and I think of how in world people can be SO VERY DIFFERENT from one another! Sure, we truly do love one another, but there it ends.

We think differently, we act differently, we see things differently, and we choose our words differently! (There IS power of life and death in the tongue!!!! Proverbs 18:21 and words truly can feel like a never ending barrage of gunfire when let loose over and over . . . )

There is a time where love is given, it is taken as an insult . . .

There is a place where a kindness is extended, it is taken as an intrusion . . .

There is a moment where one desires to give all they can to help improve a situation, and it is shoved back in the face with such venomous hate that one wishes to crawl into a hole and completely disappear from sight, but you cannot, you have to lower your voice, speak with love and continue on . . . it is difficult, but focus on what God has called you to do! It is His assignment that you are on, not man’s. I make the choice to walk in LOVE and FORGIVENESS . . . at all times, praying for their peace and supernatural encounters in their own lives!!!

So . . . as the tears continue to flow . . . I sing along with Kristene DiMarco . . . 

Abba Father, I Love You with ALL my heart! I do let it all go . . . I TRUST IN YOU!!!! You are my EVERYTHING . . . I know that You have all parties in Your Hand . . . You love them even more than I do and Your heart is breaking probably even more than mine is right now over this whole situation . . . I can boldly say (even through the tears)


Philippians 4:6-7


© klh 4-Given Ministries



Gasping For Breath!

Published September 18, 2017 by birdieklh


Ever feel so crushed that you can hardly breathe? That is where I am at the present moment! Coming off an incredible, power-packed 3 weeks filled with ministry and pressing ahead to another 2 weeks of Seeking God with the 10 Days San Antonio . . . starting on the 20th . . .  I find myself at the moment sitting here, slightly overwhelmed, feeling the loss of a new but dear friend who flew off back to his home in Kent (the UK) this morning and the last minute crunch time of preparations for the 10 Days – oh – not mention the amazing Beauty for Ashes Conference held Saturday where many women were set FREE from years of bondage’s!!! Karin at Beauty for Ashes Conference 9-16-17God is so GOOD!!!! Hallelujah! It is strange that all of a sudden I find myself feeling (ah, there it is! ‘feeling’) like I am gasping for a breath! So much has happened in such a short amount of time – it seems as though a few years worth of ministry work jam-packed into a few short weeks . . . that is what it is . . . the pressure . . . condensing a LOT into such a small amount of time . . . BUT GOD!!! What am amazing God we serve!!!

He is our Breath! He is our Strength! He is our Hope! He is our Joy! He is our Peace! He is ALL we need, for EVERY situation!!! I give Him ALL the praise, honor and glory!!!

Lord, God, thank You for giving me the opportunity to speak into the lives of those whom You strategically placed in my path these past few weeks . . . even the one you brought across the ocean, Abba Father, You amaze me!!! received_480907932308868Yes, it has been draining, but it has been powerful, it has been good and I would not trade it for anything in the world!!! How I love You, Lord!!! How I praise You!!!! You are my EVERYTHING!!!!! Now, Lord, I ask that You SEAL the work that You have done in the lives of these precious ones . . . every one of them, Lord . . . continue the work . . . let the roots go down deep, and the the branches grow strong, and the fruit be rich and beautiful, my God, all for Your Glory!!! in Jesus Mighty Name, amen!



© klh 4-Given Ministries

#Don’t Worry Just Pray!!!

Published August 30, 2017 by birdieklh
 • We are not beggars, we are BELIEVERS.
• We don’t pout, we PRAY.
• We don’t worry, we WORSHIP.
• We don’t complain about hardship, we CONFESS our victory.
• We don’t give up, we GRAB ONTO GRACE. 
• We don’t doubt, we DARE TO LIVE by what we know.
• We don’t retreat, we REBUKE AND REBUILD.
As Christians and as The Church of Jesus Christ, we know what to do. #DontWorryJustPray – Grace Gonzalez

August 27 near Houston · (used by permission, Grace, I thank you for your strong spirit, and I bless you, in the Name of Jesus for the encouragement, grace and love you pour out to others each and every day! Thank you for allowing me to help spread this prayer message of HOPE!)


Perfectly Fitted Together

Published August 19, 2017 by birdieklh

God has a plan and a purpose behind every word He allowed to be penned . . . an illustration for us to gasp a hold of . . . to meditate upon . . . to allow to sink deep down inside of our spirit and to change the way we think, act and treat one another in our Christian lives!

Dovetail Stone Work

image from slide share

Let us take a deeper look into the this passage mentioned in the photo, and specific emphasis on phrases within. This is a message to us ALL. We are the brethren! There is to be NO division between us – NONE.

See that “DOVETAIL” work there? Have you ever realized the STRENGTH behind that kind of fitted together?! It is the Greek word, Strong’s # 2675 katartizó translated “perfectly joined together” which, in depth, means  – like shown in this illustration – a detailed, “properly adjusted, exactly fit to work together, adjusted exactly ‘down’ to fully function!” (just a partial snip-it from the full definition).

Dear ones, we are to be one in Christ Jesus! We are to be LIKE MINDED!  God is calling us forth to become new wine skins He can use to hold and pour forth the New Wine He is getting ready to pour out upon this world for His Divine purposes . . . but He can only do it with those that are ready to walk TOGETHER in ONENESS of heart and mind. Those who are willing to put down their prejudices, pride, wants, desires, their “me, me, me” attitudes, and allow God to fit us together as He desires and function together as He sees fit!

There is a song, often used at weddings, but most appropriate for this message as well. I would like to share some of the words here:

Make us one, make us one
Make us one, undivided body
Make us one, make us one
For the sake of Your name make us one

Make us love, make us love
Make us love so the world will know we love You
Make us love, make us love
For the sake of Your name make us love

Read more: Twila Paris – Make Us One Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Click to view the YouTube Video 

Abba Father, open our ears to HEAR, open our spirit eyes to SEE, open our HEARTS to fully grasp and understand what You are getting ready to do . . . what You are asking us to lay down at this time in our lives and HOW to fully embrace one another in Your love and go forth as ONE with You and become the Bride You have asked us to be – ready to BE what You desire us to be for Your Kingdom, in Jesus Name, amen!!!

© klh 4-Given Ministries

Acting Contrary To Circumstances

Published August 3, 2017 by birdieklh

contraryactions It’s not easy, by any means, but it IS what God asks of us . . . Jesus lead us by example, and Paul shared with us in his letter to the Corinthian Church. Let’s take a closer look at 1 Corinthians 4

When people acted hateful towards Jesus, think about it, did Jesus lash out back at them? No, of course not!

How many times people also acted spitefully against Paul as well, and yet he, too, did not respond in kind. No, he responded as he in the same way as Christ. As he was taught by the leading of Holy Spirit, through The the example of the life of Christ.

Was Paul perfect? Of course not!!! Only Christ is perfect! He is God! We cannot put one another up on a pedestal, but we can admire the example that their life of faith and trust  brought us. Remember his comment, also to the Corinthians, “Be imitators of me, just as I am of Christ.” Paul ALWAYS pointed to Christ as his example. He remembered where he came from, his zeal, his wrong zeal, and how Christ took that passion, changed his name from Saul to Paul (actually from great to small, but used him mightily) and placed him on the path He had chosen for him! HALLELUJAH!

So . . . Let’s ask ourselves the hard questions and take an HONEST REFLECTION of inside of our hearts . . . are you ready? I suggest you take a note book and write out the questions and then your responses – honestly, from your heart – we will discuss them more afterwards.

  1. When someone says something about me behind my back and I find out about it . . . the next time I see that person, how do I act towards that person?
  2. If I have been falsely accused by someone, at work  or school (or anywhere, for that matter), what is my normal reaction?
  3. If I have spoken too quickly, judging a person without the facts and have found out I was wrong, what do I do?
  4. If someone has wronged me and asks for forgiveness – do I demand restitution, seek revenge, or have compassion and forgive?
  5. Have I ever tried to place myself in the other person’s shoes to see the woundedness that they have walked in, to feel the pain that they have suffered through, tried to understand why they are acting and reacting to things they way they are? . . . or is it ALWAYS about ME???

Once you have your answers, I suggest that we take some time and lay our answers out before the Lord. Ask Him to reveal the meaning of them . . . open up the eyes of our understanding . . . reveal our hearts to ourselves . . . where do we REALLY stand with Him? Do we truly represent Him to the world? Are we REALLY imitators of Him to this world as Paul suggests we be?

You know, as I was reading, specifically verses 12 and 13 in 1 Corinthians 4, I started to look up some of the Greek words used in the original text for further clarification. I wanted to understand what the Lord was speaking into my heart here through Paul. WOW, did I get a revelation! Here are two examples:

The word reviled (in verse 12) refers to something that others do to us . . . that word in the Greek is # 3058 in the Strong’s Concordance meaning to revile, reproach, mock, dishonor, to make a spectacle of, to ridicule, etc. …. I can honestly say this has happened to me on a more than a few occasions!

Paul’s response to those actions? Did you notice what he said? Look at it . . . “we bless” . . . that’s right . . . he said, “WE BLESS” . . . is that your reaction, is it mine?

The second word I looked up was conciliate (in verse 13) which refers to something that we do towards others when they have slandered us. This is # 3870 in the Strong’s Concordance which means (oh my goodness, are you ready for this?) to call near, to entreat, to comfort, to pray for, exhort, encourage, etc.   . . . whoa! is that your reaction, is it mine?

I don’t know about you, dear ones, but for me, I realize that being Christ-minded, Christ-like . . . well . . . I have a lot more growing to do than I thought!

Abba Father, I am truly humbled by that which You have revealed to me this day and I lay myself upon Your altar asking You to burn away even more of that which is not of You within this darkened soul of mine. I desire to be more like You yet find that I have so far to go . . . continue to reveal more of the areas that I need to change and walk contrary to the circumstances that life throws my way in Jesus Name, amen.

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