
All posts tagged Prayer

Are Your Volumes Up?

Published February 27, 2017 by birdieklh

As one of the people at our church who helps with the sound system for various meetings, today I encountered a situation that gave me a spiritual message . . .

There was NO sound! Everything was on. Everything was properly connected. Levels showed up on the sound board, but NO sound was coming out on the monitors or the mains. What a puzzlement!

Finally, after exhausting all avenues that I was aware of, I reached out to our Worship Leader (even though he was at his place of employment) for suggestions.

He had me go back to the amps and check them one more time. Yes, every one was on. Hmmm…. “check the volume levels”, he said. “Oh my goodness!”, I said, “someone had turned them all down to zero!”

As simple as that, the problem was corrected! Amazing. How silly of me not to think of that myself. However, we had all been instructed to leave the volume levels where they were set on the amps and ONLY turn them on or off. Apparently, someone did not remember that tidbit of information when shutting down the system after church yesterday.

That really got me to thinking! We may truly love the Lord. Have completely accepted His finished work on Calvary. We may attend church, read our Bibles and offer up prayers . . . BUT . . . if our volumes are turned down or off, perhaps we don’t HEAR what He is trying to speak into our spirits!

OUCH!!! If we are honest with ourselves, we can recall a time (or more) that we simply missed hearing what God was trying to say to us. It could be an instruction. It could be an encouragement. It could be a reminder of His provision in the past. It could be a prompting as to which direction to take for the next part of our journey that He is leading us on. BUT, if we have allowed the busyness of our day to interrupt the actual delivery of His message; if we have tuned Him out, then we have had our volumes turned to zero!

Something to think about! Make time to check your volume levels today . . . be sure that you ARE taking the time to listen – turn the volume up on your spiritual ears to hear what He is speaking, clearly.

“He who has ears to hear . . . let him listen!” (numerous scripture references)

In these times, especially, we need to be fully alert and attuned to His voice. (See the letters to the churches in Revelation.

© klh 4-Given Ministries

God’s Impeccable Timing!

Published February 19, 2017 by birdieklh

Oh my goodness . . . why am I surprised?! Silly me! He ALWAYS does things perfectly, and here I am still basking in His awesome love.

I simply HAVE to share some of what our awesome Lord has done.

You see, my husband and I went on a retreat – knew it would bring healing, set some things right in our lives, but we really had NO idea how much so! Without going into all the details, let me simply say this – a HUGE bolder of “Unworthiness & Rejection” was revealed, stripped away and TOSSED my-bolder as far as one can possibly throw. It was a very intense, introspective time of examination, and it was not pleasant . . . ah, but the lightness within, after letting, go was amazing. It is amazing still, now, a week later.

The story does not end there . . . no, my friends, it is but a beginning.

There had been (in the past few months) a ‘feeling’ of distance (sort of a wall) that I had noticed. After what happened on that retreat, and after prayer, I reached out to the person explaining that I was sensing a distancing in our relationship. I asked if I had somehow offended them. They responded, “let’s talk”. So, today, we did.


I’m telling you that God’s PERFECT timing is just that. The person didn’t feel a ‘release’ to speak with me until I reached out. Then, when we had our glorious encounter, I KNEW that had I / we tried to ‘talk’ (of the things we discussed) before . . . it would of been a complete devastating disaster to me. But it wasn’t! No, not at all. With that burden;  that bolder of unworthiness lifted, I was able to have a normal, very productive, incredible and glorious time of receiving the love that was being offered.

Sometimes we have to have difficult discussions with one another – to truly walk in the Love of Christ, to be the body He intended us to be, we need to speak to one another from time to time with. Instruction, presented and received in love is SO freeing! SO healing! SO refreshing!

I am grateful to God for placing Godly friends around me. Those that love me enough to address an area they see (or perceive) differently than that which God intends for us.

Once we have allowed God to heal the trauma of our past – once we’ve allowed Holy Spirit to download into our hearts how precious we are to Him – once we understand / grasp His GREAT love for us . . . we can RECEIVE and grow from what others (who truly love us) have to say.

How I thank Him for the surgery He preformed on my inner-man at the retreat.

How I thank Him for showing me that I AM worthy – so worthy, in fact that He sent His Son to die in my place that I could have eternal life!

How I thank Him for helping me (over the past few months) to see and recognize (and we are still working on the understanding) that what He has me doing in the Kingdom is of great worth. It is not what I had felt I should be doing. It is not what others have spoken over my life, that I would be doing. I had (from the depths of that heavy bolder of unworthiness) felt that what I was doing was nothing . . . but it IS EXACTLY what He has for me at this time.

I am praising Him for allowing me to embrace the woman He is designing me to be! I have begun to feel an excitement in what He has me doing. Beginning to be comfortable with me . . . probably for the very first time in my entire life . . . it is an incredible revelation and it is full of joy and peace like I’ve never known before.

You know, sometimes we hear a word spoken (or in my case, multiple ‘confirmations’ of a word spoken) over us and we jump in with everything we have. We push forward, we keep speaking it . . . proclaiming (calling forth those things that are not as though they are) but . . . was it REALLY the Lord speaking those things over us? Did we / did I (no) take it to prayer and seek His plan? Unfortunately, I just went with it. Then, with that bolder of unworthiness strapped to my back, I pressed on. What did that accomplish? Heartache and disappointment time after time after time. I would find myself reacting out of that “trying to prove . . . (something) myself” – oh, Lord, what a mess!

Why am I making myself vulnerable by sharing such intimate details of my faith walk? Because I am praying that perhaps it will help another person on their own pilgrimage.

May I suggest a thorough examination of your heart:

  • Am I reacting in ways that are not mature in some areas?
  • Do things people say or do (or not say or do) cause me to feel rejected?
  • Do I find myself always struggling with “please listen to me, I am important too”?
  • Am I uncomfortable with where God has me right now, when I ‘want’ something different?
  • What IS my real perception of myself (on the inside, when no one is around)?
  • Does that perception line up with how others see you? What do their reactions/words tell me about who I am?
  • Have I absolutely taken the words spoken over me and run with them, or have I totally laid them on the altar before the Lord, seeking His guidance, His direction, His vision, His plan?

I have been walking with the Lord for a very long time. I have been serving Him for a very long time. Yet, I needed DEEP inner healing and a release I did not even realize I had need of! If you would have asked me a week and a half ago if I was completely free in the Lord, I would of answered quickly and emphatically, “YES!” – but, I would have been very wrong. We are always being stretched, shaped, molded into His image; however, sometimes we resist Him – not knowingly, but resisting still the same. That is where I was . . . I pray that I will not be there any more!

Abba Father, my love for You continues to grow more and more each and every day, and my heart overflows with gratitude to You for all You have done, are doing and will continue to do in my life. Help me, Holy Spirit, to remain pliable on Your Potter’s wheel . . . like the song you gave me yesterday, “I bow before Your Throne, Jesus, I trust in You, alone, Jesus – I lay my life on Your Altar, have Your way in me, Jesus . . . ”  I bless you, my God! Lover of my soul, King, Savior, Lord . . . amen

 Dear ones, we NEED to be able to see ourselves as God sees us. We NEED to understand that what He says about us is Truth and what others may have spoken over us/ into us throughout our lifetimes may have caused deep damage that He desires to heal.

worship in dance

image from

It is my prayer that you, too, will find your healing.

© klh 4-Given Ministries

Moments in Time

Published February 15, 2017 by birdieklh

Sometimes we seem to reflect upon certain moments in our life that we can quickly find ourselves ‘trapped’ in that time!

As much as we desire to get on with our lives, there always seems to be something way back in the past that has such a hold on us that we cannot seem to free ourselves and move on.

I truly believe that most of the time we are not even aware of those moments that have had enormous effects on the way we ‘see’ ourselves, and/or that can actually trigger responses in us as we face things that are in front of us now.

Are YOU trapped in a moment?

Do you find yourself responding to people or situations in a way that you find yourself questioning, Why in the world did that hit me the way it did?” or “Why did I respond that way?” or “Where in the world did that feeling come from?!”

Dear ones, when we have had trauma in our lives (even as far back as early childhood) and it has not truly been dealt with, it can – and does – trigger responses and reactions. Sometimes we’ve stuffed our experiences down so deeply inside that we don’t even recall them ourselves, yet something comes up and the trigger response is blown out of proportion!

If I find myself reacting to certain things, I have learned to ask the Lord to reveal to me the source within me that is allowing those words/thoughts/feelings to surface. Then, when He does, I repent (if its something I’ve caused) and ask Him to remove the hurt, allowing Him to bring forth the healing I need from that particular situation. Sometime it takes our reaching out to others as well, for added guidance – I strongly suggest a good Biblical counselor/mentor. To KNOW that the Lord desires us to walk in complete freedom from our past is a good place to start! Then, as you allow Holy Spirit to do His work in your heart, don’t allow the evil one to bring it back! If you find yourself starting to think about what someone said or did . . . stop it immediately . . . take that thought captive (2 Corinthians 10:5)! Then, change your focus (Isaiah 43:18 & Philippians 4:8)!

Another thing that really helps me accomplish this task is to declare God’s word (usually the opposite of what I’m thinking/feeling). Here are some examples:

1 – I “feel” SO unloved . . . I will focus on God’s love for me!

2 – I “feel” like I’m unaccepted or rejected . . . I will focus on the fact that God chose me!

3 – When my body is throwing symptoms of an illness . . . I focus on what Christ did already for my healing!

There are many, many scriptures that can change our heart/mind attitude, if we but ask Him to show us, He is faithful. Treasure what He speaks into your heart – dwell in His presence, communicating with Him every little detail – allow His complete and total healing to pour over every area of your life. We all need healing in one area or another (or some of us in MANY areas) . . . He is waiting for you to come to Him . . . He is ready to love you through to victory!

© klh 4-Given Ministries


Israel – News Reports & Prayer Requests

Published December 29, 2016 by birdieklh

This in the headlines today from Messianic Bible (aka

“Our Israel forces are battling ISIS on the Golan Heights.  Our ministry staff could not drive there to be with their family over Hanukkah as the army said, “turn the car around, it is too dangerous.”

The head of ISIS stated that their NUMBER ONE goal is to conquer Jerusalem
(where our ministry is located), kill all of the Jews and then take over the
whole land of Israel and kill every single Jew.

“We will find you in every house, behind every bush,
he said.”  We will kill every one of you; that is why
God brought you Jews back to Israel.””

This in today (along with a long detailed list of specific requests) from Corp Prayer Resource:

“This is a fervent call to prayer, on behalf of Israel, to all faithful
intercessors, from now until the transition of power of the US presidency on
January 20, 2017″

Dear ones, there is an urgency to our Christian responsibilities! We need to pray as never before for Israel! It is our duty!  Psalm 122:6

Here are some great resources for you to become involved in intercession:

Jerusalem Prayer Team                                         ~                         Pray for Jerusalem guide

Father’s House Foundation                                ~                          Article from Sid Roth

Free eBook download                                            ~                         Breaking Israel News


image from BIN (Breaking Israel News – link above)

May our Almighty God bless you as you take the time to intercede for the apple of His eye!

©klh 4-Given Ministries



We Are in This Together!

Published December 10, 2016 by birdieklh

We come from different backgrounds. We go to different churches. We have sat under different denominational teachings – BUT – we ARE to be in UNITY when it comes to our role in this world. As Christians (as with our armed forces) it should not matter what the uniform we wear is! We are in God’s Army, Jesus Christ is our Commander-in-Chief and we need to face the enemy (satan) TOGETHER!

If we can just try and wrap our brains around this principle:


In the history of Americans in wartime, there is an underlying sense of “get the job done”. Men and women will walk side-by-side, fight side-by-side, bleed side-by-side, cover one another, do everything they can to ensure the protection of one another, REGARDLESS of the uniform!


How many of us would be willing to link arms with our brothers and sisters (IN Christ) who happen to worship differently than we do?

Can you imagine the IMPACT our unity would have upon this world?

We already have one small example through the results of the presidential election . . . Christians got down on their knees, hooked up with one another at prayer rallies, chimed in onto conference calls for prayer over our nation and the election. Truly humbling themselves, crying out for wisdom, direction and God’s perfect will to be done. The result? A man who was completely godless has given his heart to Jesus. A man who acknowledged that he didn’t need …. fill in the blank, there are so many different things stated . . . now is surrounding himself with Godly counsel! The Vice-President elect (and his wife) are both dynamic, on fire, firm in their faith, Spirit-filled believers.

Another example is right here in San Antonio. A Godly woman, against all odds, was chosen as an interim Mayor, only to be surrounded by the body of Christ with support, love and much prayer – she IS our Mayor. And, just like with Joseph and Daniel, God’s favor has been upon her so much so that even opposition is now supporting her wholeheartedly for the upcoming reelection process!

So . . . let us focus back upon what this article started with . . . We are ALL in this TOGETHER! 

As we come alongside one another in love, forgetting (laying aside) our differences (the uniform we wear) and place our thoughts, intents and purposes towards the things God desires of us – namely LOVE – we CAN pray together, worship together, cover one another, support one another AND advance the Kingdom of God!

I’m in . . . are you?

For further reflection on these thoughts based upon Scripture:

Unity and Maturity in the Body of Christ

Complete Unity . . . so the world can KNOW

Love Brings Forth Unity

©klh 4-Given Ministries


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